NC Tailored Care Management in 28092 & Nearby Areas

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Tailored Care Management is an individualized service, based on each person's specific needs to help enhance their quality of life. Find Tailored Care Management services in 28092 and the surrounding areas.

TCM Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to enroll in NC Tailored Care Management?

    In North Carolina, TCM is a voluntary service, which is completely free and leads to improved health outcomes.

  • What are the benefits of NC Tailored Care Management?

    TCM is an individualized service, based on each person's specific needs to help enhance their quality of life.

  • What does NC Tailored Care Management include?

    TCM includes an assigned care manager and care team to oversee all healthcare needs and coordinate care with other providers/family members/supports.

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NC Tailored Care Management in Lincolnton & Nearby Areas

NC Tailored Care Management (TCM) consists of office and community-based resources and supports to address each person's individual needs in the areas of physical, behavioral, and social health. This new service emphasizes the importance of integrated care and was designed to improve overall health outcomes.

More Information About TCM

Letters were mailed beginning Nov. 14, 2022, to TCM-eligible beneficiaries and authorized representatives with the name and contact information of their TCM provider. The letter also explains NC Tailored Care Management services and provides information on how beneficiaries can change their Tailored Care Management provider or opt out of the service. A sample notice is also available in the NC Medicaid Managed Care County Playbook under Other Beneficiary Notices. Beneficiaries can change their Tailored Care Management provider at any time, without limits, prior to April 1, 2023, by calling their LME/MCO.

About Care Management Services in 28092 & Beyond

The goal of Daymark Recovery Services is to inspire and empower people to seek and maintain recovery and health, through the use of current best practices and effective, research-based treatment programs.

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